Creating a brighter future for
Colquitt County
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
Abraham Lincoln

Our Vision
​To create a brighter, more productive future for all of Colquitt County’s children and to promote an engaged learning environment in which students, teachers and the community’s business and civic leaders are all invested.

Our Mission
Colquitt County Educational Foundation exists to increase the literacy rates of Colquitt County children and youth through mentoring and support of educational innovation in the classroom and the community; and to ensure a quality workforce pipeline in Colquitt County, Georgia.
Our Challenge
85% of of school curriculum following 3rd grade is learned by reading.
But, Georgia Milestones 2018-2019 reports only 37.3% of Colquitt County 3rd graders are reading on or above grade level.
Per a study by Yale, 75% of students not reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade will NEVER catch up.
Our Plan
Create an early childhood literacy mentoring program, in partnership with local schools, to emphasize reading assistance in grades K-3.
Model our efforts from the successes of Bibb County’s United Way Read United program.
Build local support in the form of volunteers, staff, and donors to advance our mission.
The Future Starts with Us.
Supporters & Partners